Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Here you will find a complete Pokédex, Tips, Guides, Charts and more! Be sure to visit the Pokémon Go Discussion Forum.

Monday, August 22, 2016

In the update of Pokémon Go to version 0.35.0 (Android) and 1.5.0 (iOS) the Appraise feature became available to Trainers. This implementation of Pokémon Appraisal allows Trainers to learn more about the AttackDefense and Stamina stats of their individual Pokémon.


By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 6:29 PM

Friday, August 19, 2016

Hatching Eggs in Pokemon Go by Sensei

It is no secret that the developers behind the mobile game Pokemon Go desired for players to get out of the house and explore the world around them. One element of the game that motivates players to move around and get exercise is the presence of eggs. There are two types of eggs in the game. One type is the ‘Lucky Egg” – an item that awards the player double experience for a thirty minute span. The other type of egg is an item that players sometime receive from spinning Pokestops. This type of egg will hatch a Pokemon after a player has traveled a set distance with the egg in an incubator.

Hatching Eggs in Pokémon Go by Sensei

By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 7:59 AM
On August 19th, Niantic changed the Movesets of 18 different Pokémon. While some were minor changes, others were pretty significant.

Overall the Pokémon that benefited most from this recent update was Chansey. Originally, Chansey had the Charge Move Psybeam. Being a Normal Type Pokémon, meant that Chansey's Psybeam did not benefit from STAB (Same type attack bonus). However, with the recent change, Chansey now has the capability of using Hyper Beam, a Normal Type Move, which does benefit from STAB. Not only that, Hyper Beam now does almost 20 more DPS than that of the original move Psybeam.

Moveset Changes (August 19th) Chansey is the big Winner!

By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 7:31 AM

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Pokemon Go
Teleport to any place in the world to catch pokemon in real time! NO BAN! 
Travel between the real world and the virtual world of Pokémon with Pokémon GO for iPhone and Android devices. With Pokémon GO, you’ll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Pokémon GO is built on Niantic’s Real World Gaming Platform and will use real locations to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon. Pokémon GO allows you to find and catch more than a hundred species of Pokémon as you explore your surroundings.
  1. Download the archive
  2. Extract it
  3. Enter your login details in user.xml
  4. Change gps co ordinates to your location and save
  5. Run autosniper.bat
  6. Relax and enjoy!
- Usage
Run PokeSniper2.exe
PokeSniper2 will ask for the information it needs to snipe Pokemon. Tell it to catch * or Missingno to catch all Pokemon it can find.
If you use PokeSniper2 frequently, edit the included user.xml to quickly load your info.
For the best chance to not be found cheating, edit device.xml with information from your actual device you use with the PokemonGo App.

Where to find Pokemon to snipe? Visit PokeSnipers

More ways to use PokeSniper2:
  • Automatic: Run autosniper.bat to have PokeSniper2 automatically catch all Pokemon listed on PokeSnipers.
  • Command Line: Run PokeSniper2.exe Pokemon Latitude Longitude (Use spaces) to have it read from the user.xml, catch the Pokemon and exit.
  • Link: Run registerurl.bat, and then you can click on pokesniper2:// links to instantly open PokeSniper2 and catch the Pokemon given in the link.

Example Link: pokesniper2://Vaporeon/51.4877909406,-0.193884849267
(Vaporeon will be gone already by the time you click this link. But if you clicked it and PokeSniper2 opened to tell you, you know you are set to use pokesniper2:// links.)

Uses automatic ball and berry selection for the best catch chance.

How To Use via Pokemon Trainer Club Account?
  1. open user.xml
  2. Change <AuthType>Google</AuthType> <!-- Google/Ptc --> to <AuthType>Ptc</AuthType> <!-- Google/Ptc -->
  3. Save it..

Old Version
NOTE: Sign out from your mobile before using this.

Pokemon Go Real Time Auto Sniper v2.1.11 is Here! [LATEST] [TELEPORT] [ANTI BAN]

By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 10:17 PM

Monday, August 8, 2016

The following chart ranks the best Moveset of every Pokémon by Damage Per Second (DPS). This chart factors in Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB). The average DPS is simply the average of the best Fast Move and best Charge Move of each Pokémon.

Best Movesets (Ranked by DPS w/ STAB)

By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 4:42 PM
The following guide was submitted to us by user Hawon Nguyen. If you would also like to submit a guide, please e-mail us a pokemongodb@gmail.com.

It’s not hard to cheat in Pokemon Go, but it’s not easy to get away with it either.

To ensure that everything goes as expected, people who use any methods to cheat the system will get their account banned from Pokemon Go.

Below, we listed the most popular ways to get yourself banned in the game. Before we get into the main point, let’s learn why so many people are cheating in Pokemon Go.

Why Do They Cheat?

Getting Banned in Pokemon Go - Everything You Need to Know

By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 4:31 PM
Note : This crack Can Crack Upcoming Version Of  IDM Too. Once IDM new version comes.But You Can Get Fake Serial Error So Be Updated And Get The Working Crack Always. Cheers ;)
Last Tested : IDM 6.25 build 25

Internet Download Manager Universal Crack
Internet Download Manager aka IDM developers release a new build of  their well-known Download Accelerator ; Internet Download Manager  regularly. So everybody who uses pirated versions get so pissed off that they have to find a new version of crack every time when an IDM update comes. So we made a really awesome fix for that
An Universal  Crack. One Crack For All Versions...
So whenever IDM releases a new version Come On FreeIDMZone. Easy as that ! You can simply trust FreeIDMZone's IDM crack because it has a history of more than 6 Months with regular updates,and also it has more than 10,000 worldwide downloads.
How to Crack any IDM Version ?
  1. Install the latest version of IDM / Or update via quick update (yes it is possible now)
  2. Turn off any virus guards
  3. Download , Extract and Run IDM Activator.exe
  4. Click On Crack Button..
  5. Enter Your First Name Then Click On Ok.
  6. Enter Your Last Name Then Click On Ok. 
  7. Now open IDM and enjoy lifetime full version license
How to Update / When a new version of IDM comes
Update IDM via IDM’s quick update.Then  run the IDM Universal Crack and follow above steps from step 3.

Version: 6.25 Build 25 (Aug/05/2016) Full
    Downloads & Links

    If you have any problems on this or found a bug, comment below. Cheers ツ 

    Internet Download Manager 6.25 Build 25 Latest Universal Crack is Here![Latest]

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 4:41 AM

    Sunday, August 7, 2016

    In Pokémon Go, Individual Values (IVs) are hidden stat modifiers that can range from 0 - 15. Each Pokémon has three IVs (Attack, Defense & Stamina).

    Attack: Determines damage dealt.
    Defense: Determines damage taken.
    Stamina: Determines HP.

    IVs are added to a Pokémon's base stats before calculating CP. This means that Pokémon of the same species with higher IV will have greater CP than those with lower IV.  IVs are random and can vary among Pokémon of the same species.

    Take Blastoise as an example. Its base stats are as follows:

    Blastoise Base Stats
    Attack: 186
    Defense: 222
    Stamina: 158

    However, if this Blastoise had perfect IVs, its stats would be as follows:

    Blastoise Base Stats (with IV of 15/15/15)
    Attack: 201
    Defense: 237
    Stamina: 173

    As you can see, IV can add up to about a 10% increase in Attack, Defense or Stamina (depending on the Pokémon's base stats). 

    While IV does not have significant impact on a Pokémon's overall power, it does allow for slightly higher max CP. In addition, a Pokémon with perfect IVs will deal approximately 4% more damage. 

    Some players focus on Powering Up their highest IV Pokémon, while others focus on Powering up their Pokémon with the highest DPS Moves. In a perfect world you will want to Power Up Pokémon with ideal movesets and perfect IVs. 

    Note: Use the IV Calculator from Pokeassistant.com to determine the IV of your own individual Pokémon.

    Additional Resources

    Individual Values (IVs)

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 5:27 PM

    Friday, August 5, 2016

    In Pokémon go, players have the option of transferring Pokémon to the Professor. This option can be accessed by following the steps below:

    #1. Select Pokémon in your Main Menu.
    #2. Select the individual Pokémon you would like to transfer.
    #3. Select the Dropdown list and Transfer will be an option.
    #4. Select Transfer and the following message will then appear: "You can't take it back after it's transferred to the Professor. Do you really want to transfer "Pokémon Name" to the Professor?

    Selecting 'Yes' will result in the following:
    #1. Your Transferred Pokémon will be gone forever.
    #2. You will receive +1 Candy for the Pokémon you have Transferred.

    This feature is useful for getting rid of Pokémon you have a lot of (Eg. Pidgeys), especially because each player can only hold a limited number of Pokémon at any given time.

    If you have any Tips on transferring, feel free to share them in the comments below!

    See the Pokémon Go Glossary for more Pokémon Go Terms.


    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 5:51 PM

    Thursday, August 4, 2016

    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 
    Part 8: Advanced Mechanics & Strategy

    Pokemon Go may look like a simple mobile App at first glance, but the unique combat system really helps turn Pokemon Go into a fun and in-depth strategy game.

    8.1 Type Effectiveness
    In battle, choosing the correct Pokemon Type(s) and Move Type(s) is critical to your success. As mentioned above in Section 5.2.3, a particular Move Type may deal significant damage to a particular Pokemon if that Pokemon is at a Type disadvantage.

    If the Pokemon has a Type advantage it will take less damage from Moves of that Type.

    There are 18 different Types in total, so make sure to familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of each.

    Do you know that Bug Type Moves are Super Effective against Grass & Psychic Type Pokemon? Or that Bug Type Pokemon are vulnerable to RockFire & Flying Type Moves?

    Be sure to check out the Full List of Pokemon Types and Move Types to learn how to gain that significant advantage in battle.

    8.2 Team Optimization
    Being that every Type of Pokemon has a weakness, it is impossible to build a Pokemon Team with zero weaknesses. However, what you can do is choose to use Pokemon with Types that will complement each other.

    For example, instead of using only BugGrass and Ice Type Pokemon (all weak against Fire) add a Water Type Pokemon to your Team. Fire Moves are Not Very Effective against Water Pokemon and Water Type Moves are Super Effective against Fire Types. Choosing Pokemon with this strategy in mind will help to minimize your Team's weaknesses, ultimately making your team more powerful.

    Thank you for reading, I hope this guide was helpful.

    If you would like to learn more, feel free to check out the 10 Best Pokemon Go Tips for Beginners. Also be sure to check out the comprehensive Trainer Leveling Guide.

    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 
    Part 8: Advanced Mechanics & Strategy

    Beginner's Guide: Part 8. Advanced Mechanics & Strategy

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 5:34 PM
    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 
    Parts 6 -7: Evolution & Trainer Progress

    Many Pokemon have the capability of Evolving in Pokemon Go. When a Pokemon Evolves it advances to a much stronger form. Evolving a Pokemon requires a certain amount of Candy.

    6.1 Candy

    Candy is collected by capturing Pokemon. When a required number of Candy is collected, you will have the option of evolving a single Pokemon. Candy is specific to the species of Pokemon captured (Eg. BulbasaurSquirtleCharmander).

    6.2 CP Increase
    Evolved Pokemon will show a significant increases in CP. You can capture evolved forms of Pokemon in the wild, but Evolved Pokemon of the same species will generally have more CP. In addition, when choosing to Evolve a Pokemon, make sure to pick the one with the highest CP to maximize CP potential. Stardust and Candy can be used to Power Up a Pokemon, increasing its CP and HP.

    While individual Pokemon cannot Level Up in Pokemon Go, your Trainer can. By gaining Experience Points (XP) your Trainer will Level Up and become more powerful.

    7.1 Gaining XP
    There are many opportunities to gain XP in Pokemon Go. The main ways include Capturing Pokemon, Evolving Pokemon, Winning Gym Battles, Visiting Pokestops, etc.

    Note: Capturing a new Pokemon will grant bonus XP.

    7.2 Leveling Up
    After gaining enough XP you will advance to the next Trainer Level. Each Level will require more XP, thus Leveling Up becomes more difficult later on in the game.

    Although it may take a while to reach the max Trainer Level, Leveling Up your trainer is the best way to build up a stronger Team and progress further in the game.

    7.3 Capturing Stronger Pokemon
    As you continue to gain XP and Level Up you will notice that the CP of nearby wild Pokemon increases along with you. Not only will you begin to see powerful Pokemon in the wild, these Pokemon will become easier to catch.

    For example, a Pokemon that used to be a Very Difficult Catch a few Levels ago, may now happen to be only a Medium Difficulty Catch.

    7.4 Progression Rewards
    In addition, to being able to capture higher CP Pokemon, you will be given item rewards as you Level Up. For example, you may receive a few Great Balls for reaching a certain Level. A few Levels later you may be rewarded with a few Ultra Balls or even a rare Master Ball. Keep progressing to earn those rewards!

    Here are five quick tips on How to Gain XP Fast.

    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 
    Parts 6 -7: Evolution & Trainer Progress

    Beginner's Guide: Parts 6 -7. Evolution & Trainer Progression

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 5:32 PM
    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 

    5.3 Pokestops
    Pokestops are real world locations that can be visited to obtain items. A Pokestop is shown on the map as a marker that looks like a floating Pokeball.

    As you get closer the Pokestop marker will change shape. Tap the Pokestop to interact with it.

    Next, spin the core of the Pokestop and it will dispense items. Tap or swipe the items on the screen to collect them.

    Visiting Pokestops is the best way to obtain free items in Pokemon Go.

    You may find Pokeballs, Potions, Eggs, Max Revives, etc. You will also receive a small amount of XP. Visit as many Pokestops as you can.

    5.4 Items
    Collected items will automatically be stored in your inventory and can be used throughout your journey. Each item has a different purpose.

    Pokeballs: Acquired from Pokestops and used to capture and store wild Pokemon.

    Potions: Acquired from Pokestops and used to heal a % of a single Pokemon’s depleted HP.

    Max Revive: Acquired from Pokestops and used to revive fainted (0 HP) Pokemon.

    Berries: Can be used on wild Pokemon to make them easier to capture.

    5.4.1 Eggs
    While more rare than Pokeballs, Eggs can also be acquired from Pokestops.  Eggs can be carried around and after walking a certain distance your Egg(s) will hatch into a Pokemon! The species of Pokemon that hatches from the Egg will be randomized.

    Note: The Egg Incubator is an Item that can be purchased from the Shop by spending Pokécoins. It can be used to hatch Eggs.

    5.5 Gyms
    Gyms are real world locations that Teams battle for control over. A Gym is shown on the map as a floating marker with platforms (the number of platforms represents the Gym Level, which also represents the number of potential defending Pokemon at that Gym).

    Pokemon can be trained at a friendly Gym to increase the Gym’s Prestige and Level. Defeating Pokemon at an opposing Team’s Gym will lower the Gym’s Prestige and Level. When battling at Gyms, you can either Dodge or choose to use one of your Pokemon’s Moves.

    5.5.1 Gym Battle Mechanics
    When you visit a Gym you will have the option of either Training (Battling friendly Pokemon) or Challenging (Battling Pokemon from an opposing Team). The battle mechanics are similar in both game modes.

    After choosing your Pokemon Team, the battle will start and you will face off against a defending Pokemon (controlled by AI, rather than by an actual player).

    How to Win a Battle: To win a battle, you must use your Pokemon’s moves to reduce the HP of your opponent’s Pokemon down to 0.

    HP & Stamina: Both Pokemon will have their HP bar visible during battle. The attacking Pokemon will have its blue Stamina (Energy) bar shown right below its HP.

    CP (Combat Points): The greater the CP value of your Pokemon, the greater amount of damage it will deal during battle.

    Moves: Using a mix of Fast and Charge Moves will result in greater success during battle. Build up your Stamina bar with Fast moves and then unleash powerful Charge Moves to take out large chunks of your opponent’s HP. You will get the hang of this after only a few battles.

    Dodging: Swiping either left or right on the screen will allow you to Dodge opposing attacks. Dodged attacks will result in 0 damage taken.

    5.5.2 Gym Rewards
    Winning Training battles will award you with Trainer XP and increased Prestige for your friendly Gym. Winning Gym battles will award you with Trainer XP and decrease the Prestige of the opposing Gym.

    5.5.3 Prestige & Gym Levels
    Training successfully at a friendly Gym will result in increased Gym Prestige at that Gym. When a Gym gains enough Prestige it will Level Up.

    The higher a Gym’s level, the more Defensive Pokemon slots it will have. The more Defending Pokemon a Gym has the less likely it is to be defeated by enemy teams.

    When a Gym is defeated enough times its control will become Neutral. Neutral Gyms can be taken control of by any Team. Once captured, it is then the controlling team’s job to defend that Gym against the other two teams.

    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 

    Beginner's Guide: Parts 5.3 - 5.5. Items, Eggs & Gyms

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 5:29 PM
    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 

    You have created your Avatar, chosen a Team and familiarized yourself with the main menu. It is now time to take your first real steps in the world as a Pokémon Go Trainer!

    5.1 Locations
    After taking your first steps, you will notice different points of interest on your map. These locations include Pokémon, Pokéstops and Gyms. Each serves a different purpose and can be interacted with in a different way.

    Pokémon will generally reside in locations similar to that of their Type. For example, Water Type Pokemon will be more heavily populated near Lakes, Oceans, etc. while Grass and Bug Type Pokemon will be found more often near Woods, Parks, etc.

    5.2 Pokemon
    If a wild Pokémon is nearby it will show up on your screen. Simply continue walking towards it and then interact with it to begin the encounter. The game will automatically shift from the bird’s eye map view into a one on one encounter mode between you and the wild Pokémon.

    5.2.1 How to Capture Pokemon
    To capture the Pokémon, throw a Pokéball at the Pokémon by swiping your finger towards it. If done correctly, you will see the Pokéball fly towards the target.

    Each wild Pokémon will have a colored ring around it, which represents how difficult of a capture it is.

    Green = Easy Capture
    Orange = Medium Capture
    Red = Difficult Capture

    You will want to use more powerful Pokeballs such as Great Balls and Ultra Balls to capture stronger Pokémon.

    Berries can also be used (once per failed capture attempt) to make a Pokémon easier to capture. A Berry will actually change the color of the capture ring when used.

    A wild Pokémon with ??? CP over its head means that it is too powerful to capture based on your current Trainer Level. It is possible to capture these Pokémon, but very difficult. Leveling Up your Trainer will make powerful Pokémon easier to catch.

    5.2.2 Pokemon CP & HP
    When you first encounter a wild Pokémon it will have a CP value hovering over its head. CP stands for Combat Points and is a major factor in determining how powerful that Pokemon is. The higher a Pokémon’s CP, the more difficult it will be to capture and the more damage it will do in battle.

    HP stands for Hit Points/Health Points, and represents how much damage a Pokémon can take in battle before it is defeated. You will want to keep one or two Pokémon of the same species with the highest CP and HP values (Especially those that have Evolution capabilities).

    5.2.3 Pokemon Types
    Each Pokémon will have either one or two Types, depending on the species of Pokémon. Certain Types of Pokémon are vulnerable to certain Move Types, while other Types may be resistant to the very same Move Types.

    For example, a Fire Type Pokemon will take more damage from a Water Type Move, while a Grass Type Pokemon will take less damage from a Water Type Move.

    5.2.4 Pokemon Moves
    Moves in Pokémon Go are attacks that your Pokémon can use in battle. Each Pokémon will have two Moves. One Charge Move and one Fast Move.

    Charge Move: A powerful attack that can be performed during battle, but requires Stamina (Energy) to use. Charge Moves can be performed by pressing and holding.

    Fast Move: A quick attack that can be performed without using Stamina (Energy). When used it will replenish some of your depleted Stamina (Energy). Fast Moves can be performed by tapping.

    Move Types: In addition to Pokemon Types, each Move will actually have an individual Type as well. For example, a Normal Type Pokemon may have a Normal Type Fast Move and a Dark Type Charge Move.

    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 

    Beginner's Guide: Parts 5.1 - 5.2. Locations & Pokémon

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 5:28 PM
    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Part 4: Getting Started
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms

    You have downloaded the game, familiarized yourself with the common terms and learned the basic controls. Congratulations! You are now ready to begin your Pokémon Go journey.

    4.1 Trainer Creation & Customization
    At the very beginning of the game, you have the opportunity to create your own Pokémon Go Trainer. He or she will serve as your unique avatar as you travel the world.

    You will be given the option to name and customize your Trainer with a variety of different cosmetic options. You may customize your Trainer’s Gender, Face, Hair, Eye Color, Hat, Shirt, Pants, Shoes and Backpack.

    4.2 Choosing a Team
    Once you have finalized your Trainer’s appearance and username, you will be able to start exploring. Eventually you will come across a Gym. Upon visiting your first Gym you will be asked to join one of three Teams. Mystic is Blue, Valor is Red and Instinct is Yellow.

    Note: You also must be at least Level 5 before you can join a Gym.

    If you plan to play with friends, choosing a Team is very important. Players of the same Team will need to work together to defeat/take control of opposing Team’s Gyms and defend friendly Gyms (More about Gyms later in this guide).

    If you wish to play alongside friends, make sure to discuss with them first before choosing a Team.

    4.3 Main Menu
    Before you explore further, here is a little information on the Main Menu. At the bottom of the screen you will see four icons. From left to right, these include Trainer Profile Picture, Pokedex, Items and Pokemon.

    Trainer Profile: Here you can see your current Trainer level, XP required to reach the next level, Badges/Achievements and more. You will get achievements for walking certain distances, catching a required number of new Pokémon, visiting a set number of Pokestops, winning a certain number of Gym battles, etc.

    Pokedex: This is a digital encyclopedia of every Pokemon that can be captured in Pokemon Go. When you first start out, each Pokémon Profile will be hidden.

    When you capture a Pokémon, the Pokedex will populate with an image and reveal detailed information about that particular Pokemon.

    Items: As you travel and progress in Pokémon Go you will be able to obtain items. These Items may include Pokeballs, Potions, Eggs, etc. that will automatically be added to your inventory. Pressing the Items icon will provide you with quick access to your inventory.

    Pokemon: Pulling up the Pokémon menu will allow you to see all of the Pokémon you have captured so far. Each Pokemon will show as a small image with its corresponding CP value. Selecting a Pokemon will show further details including Type, height, weight, Moves, etc. (more about these later).

    Beginner's Guide Navigation
    Part 4: Getting Started
    Parts 5.1 - 5.2: Locations & Pokémon
    Parts 5.3 - 5.5: Items, Eggs & Gyms 

    Beginner's Guide: Part 4. Getting Started

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 4:54 PM
    Windows 10 Anniversary Update v1607 Build 14393
    Windows 10 is familiar and easy to use, with lots of similarities to Windows 7 including the Start menu. It starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with software and hardware you already have. So Why become late ? Get Windows 10 Final Build on your devices today !

    • Windows 10: They want list
    • Add tabs to Windows Explorer/File Explorer
    • Make Windows Update a one-stop shop for ALL drivers
    • Kill off all Aero-themed objects
    • Bring back Aero Glass!
    • Persian calendar
    • Pin ANYTHING to the Start menu
    • A new Notepad.exe
    • Remixing the Volume Mixer
    • Drag-and-drop apps between virtual desktops

    Windows 10 Anniversary Update v1607 Build 14393 Official ISO are Here ! [EXCLUSIVE]

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 4:51 AM

    Tuesday, August 2, 2016

    Niantic has just released the latest patch notes for Pokémon Go on August 8th. Unlike the previous update, which balanced the Power of many different Moves, this update served to address minor changes in the game.

    The updates are summarized below:

    - A dialog box will appear to remind players that they should not play while driving. When a player reaches a certain speed the text will pop up with this warning message. Trainers must slow down and confirm they are not driving before they can resume playing the game.

    - The curveball throw is now slightly more accurate.

    - XP Bonuses such as Nice Throw, Great Throw and Excellent Throw now award the correct amount of XP.

    - Achievements page now shows the correct medal icons.

    - Players now have the option of renaming their Trainer one time!

    - Battery saver mode is now re-enabled.

    - Visuals added of the Leaders of Team Mystic, Valor and Instinct

    - The "Nearby Pokémon" feature is still under testing. Different users will see a variation of this feature in the User Interface.

    - Minor Adjustments to the on screen Text.

    Please comment below with your opinion or thoughts on the Nearby Pokémon screen. I'm seeing blades of grass behind each Nearby Pokémon now... not sure what this means just yet. 

    Version 0.33.0 for Android and 1.3.0 for iOS (Minor Update)

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 7:34 PM
    10 Best Pokemon Go Tips for Beginners
    Whether you are new to the Pokemon franchise or simply just new to Pokemon Go, here are 10 of the Best Tips all Pokemon Go Beginners should know. These tips include understanding Pokemon Types, Capturing, Evolution Strategies and more!

    New to Pokémon Go? Check out the Pokémon Go Beginner's Guide.

    #1. Prepare Yourself!
    Before even trying to download Pokemon Go, make sure to prepare yourself by doing some research on the game requirements. One thing you don’t want to do is get hyped for Pokemon Go, only to later find out that your device is not compatible or you don’t have enough data. Make sure to follow the three steps below before trying to download the Pokemon Go App.

    Step 1. Make sure your device meets the Mobile Requirements and Specifications. This is step is critical for all Pokemon Go newcomers. If you can’t play the game, all other Tips are useless!

    Step 2. Beginners should look into purchasing an extra Battery. Pokemon Go will drain a fully charged Phone after only a few hours of gameplay.

    Step 3. Get a Mobile Data Plan. If you already have a Data Plan make sure to check out the Top Ways to Reduce Data Usage.

    Android Battery
    #2. Understand the Different Types of Pokemon
    If you have played any other Pokemon games it is likely that you are familiar with at least some if not all of the different Pokemon Types. If you are completely new to the Pokemon franchise, there are a total of 18 different Types of Pokemon. Each Type has strengths and weaknesses against certain other Types in battle. For example, Fire is strong against Grass, Grass is strong against Water and Water is strong against Fire.

    Pokemon Beginner’s should familiarize themselves with all Pokemon Types to help provide that extra advantage in battle.

    Pokemon Types

    #3. Capture all Nearby Pokemon
    Some new players may choose not to capture a nearby Pokemon for a variety of reasons. Some of reasons for avoiding Pokemon may include:

    - Personal preference. Not all players love Magikarp... 

    - That particular species of Pokemon has already been captured. 

    - Player may be running low on Pokeballs. (May be a very legitimate reason, but standard Pokeballs are easy to obtain). 

    - Player may have too many of that Pokemon already. 

    Squirtle CP Pokemon Go

    However, before you decide to disregard a nearby Pokemon, take the following into consideration:

    - Capturing Pokemon will reward you with XP. If it is your first time capturing a certain Pokemon you will get an added XP bonus.

    - You will be credited with Candy for each Pokemon you capture. Even if you release the Pokemon, you still get credited with Candy. Assuming that the Pokemon has an Evolution Line.

    Note: Getting enough Candy is very important in Pokemon Go. Evolved Pokemon are usually much more powerful than Wild Pokemon of the same species. For example, a Charmeleon evolved from a Charmander will be much stronger than a Charmeleon caught in the wild. Evolutions result in a substantial boost in CP.

    #4. Know the Candy Requirements
    Pokemon will have different Candy requirements in Pokemon Go. For example, Bulbasaur may need 25 Candy to evolve into Ivysaur, and Rattata may need 25 Candy to evolve into Raticate. Magikarp needs 400 Candy to evolve into Gyarados!

    #5. Look for and Travel to Pokestops 
    This may already be common knowledge even among beginners, but visiting Pokestops in Pokemon Go is one of the best ways to obtain Pokeballs, Eggs and other items such as Potions and Revives. As you travel, make sure to pay close attention to your mini-map in order to find nearby Pokestops.

    Pokemon Go Pokestops

    Beginner Tips Navigation
    Pokémon Go Tips for Beginners: Part 1
    Pokémon Go Tips for Beginners: Part 2

    Additional Resources
    Beginner's Guide
    Leveling Guide for Beginners
    9 Best Battery Saving Tips
    Quick Tips for Capturing Evolving & Battling (Video)
    Pokemon Go Glossary (Terms and Descriptions)

    10 Best Pokémon Go Tips for Beginners

    By: Nguyen Nguyen on: 5:29 PM

    Monday, August 1, 2016

    Pokédex (#145 - #151)

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